12m 52sLenght

This is a video on which i want to make sure people like us should come forward and help traffic police in and around your place to make road a safe and happy place to ride, and not like a battle to reach our destination. I want all people to share this as much you can and help our society to be aware that "Together we can and we will make a difference", this i did as before this video i had a bad experience of traffic as every day and did a lot to control that but could not do that alone, need all guys to help me and extend ur hands. After this I went to Cops you can find the video At LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8rqlfdoFQs ANGRY PEOPLE gegen BIKERS | Angry Tag | Straße Rage | Höllenreiter 愤怒的人和比克|愤怒的一天|路愤怒|地狱骑士 ANGRY PEOPLE vs BIKERS | Jour de colère | Rage sur route | enfer Rider Gente arrabbiata vs BIKERS | Giorno Angry | Road Rage | L'inferno Rider ANGRY PEOPLE vs BIKERS |怒りの日|ロードレイジ|地獄のライダー