2m 47sLenght

"It slowly ceases to be only shocking , but it starts to be really dangerous. In the video we see how offroad riders are traps in the woods next to motorcyclists - Links hung between trees. This time, they are steel wire , double, even covered in mud and camouflaged that they can not be seen . Someone just doing yourself hunting for motorcyclists and quadowców . Note that you may not look dangerous , but it's dangerous as hell. From serious crush , for example . Larynx after decapitation. What's more , it does not look like a random mistake " because I'm in drought- wash" . Someone made ​​the effort and it has planned everything carefully masking . The question is why ? Is the radical nature of defense so offroadowców hate ? Or maybe someone next to a hut does not like them ? Or maybe just someone assumes trap , waiting for the result and verify what is caught ? " Google translate