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全球人的創意巧思~自行車夢想都在台灣IBDC實踐 part2 The Bicycle Design Competition is sponsored by the Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. and managed and produced by the Cycling & Health Tech Industry R&D Center. The first such competition was the "1996 Taiwan Creative Bicycle Design Competition". It was followed by the "1997 Bicycle Design Competition Among Korea, Japan & R.O.C." These two competitions were welcomed with great enthusiasm by Korean and Japanese participants as well as by those from Taiwan, and so from the third year on, the competition became a global one. The sponsors anticipated that it could become a channel of communication among bicycle designers, manufacturers and aficionados from all over the world. We hope that through the coming together of different design concepts and cultures, bicycle product design can be promoted worldwide. Moreover, we also wish that a way of life incorporating bicycling could be spread worldwide, and make a contribution to improve environmental conditions. We take great pleasure in inviting you to participate in the ONLY worldwide bicycle design competition! 自行車設計比賽由中華民國經濟部技術處主辦,財團法人自行車暨健康科技工業研究發展中心負責承辦。自『1996全國創意自行車設計比賽』揭開此年度活動之序幕,次年繼而舉辦『1997中日韓自行車設計比賽』,兩次比賽活動受到國內及日韓人士熱烈的參與,因此自第三年起,我們已將比賽活動的規模提升至全球性,希望藉由每年度舉辦之全球自行車設計比賽,提供全球設計界、自行車業界與自行車喜好者之間難得的相互交流機會!也期待經由各國設計理念與文化的結合,真正達到自行車產品設計國際化之目的。此活動是目前世界唯一的國際自行車設計比賽,曾連續榮獲ICSID認證,每年度皆吸引數百件來自全球各地之作品報名參賽,除已具備國際公信力及相當之規模,更獲世界各國之矚目與肯定! 主辦單位:中華民國經濟部技術處(DOIT,MOEA) 承辦單位:財團法人自行車暨健康科技工業研究發展中心(CHC) 承辦單位:中華民國工業設計協會(CIDA) 台灣設計創新管理協會(DIMA) 中華民國對外貿易發展協會(TAITRA) 台灣區自行車輸出業同業公會(TBEA) 台灣創意設計中心(TDC) 自行車暨健康科技工業研究發展中心CHC http://www.tbnet.org.tw/ CHC BikeLane http://www.bikelane.org.tw/ IBDC全球自行車設計比賽 http://www.ibdcaward.org/ 財團法人自行車研發中心RunRide網站 http://www.runride.com/ 全國創新機構設計比賽 http://mechanism.runride.com/me_design/ BikeLane線上購物網站 http://eshop.bikelane.org.tw/