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Angular 2 vs React.js - What is right for you? ☞ https://codequs.com/p/SybFFqrY The Complete React Web App Developer Course ☞ https://codequs.com/a/H1zgVbFj Modern React with Redux ☞ https://codequs.com/a/BJIuhSI_ Advanced React and Redux ☞ https://codequs.com/a/B1MaXv8_ Build Apps with React Native ☞ https://codequs.com/a/SkRTHvU_ React.js Tutorial from Beginners ☞ https://codequs.com/p/S1jXz9FMj Get an introduction to React, an open-source JavaScript library that allows developers to build reactive components that render HTML using a virtual DOM that simplifies programming. If you’d like a demo-packed introduction to React, an open source JavaScript library popularized by Facebook, this course is for you. React allows developers to build reactive UI components that render HTML using a virtual DOM, which can simplify programming and improve performance. React components are typically written in a JavaScript extension language called JSX. Join expert Eric Greene, as he introduces the React programming model, demonstrates how to set up a basic React environment, and walks you through the creation of a simple application. Explore component properties, work with forms, and see how React differs from other JavaScript frameworks and libraries. Be sure to check out this course, part of an exciting new series from Wintellect and Microsoft. If you feel useful for you and for everyone, please share it! Source via: Channel9 - MVA