2m 45sLenght

"Life Changing Gift To A Homeless Man" I always get asked what the best thing to get homeless people and i think I nailed a great one. Awhile back I gave a homeless friend something I took for granted: A bike. I seen that it changed his life and helped him find work/job and eventually got him off the streets. I was inspired with the help of a few friends to do this some more and found this message of generosity to be inspirational. People don't realize how much a bicycle can be life changing to a homeless person as simple as it may seem to society. Behind the scenes day 1: https://youtu.be/tAPNFw983mc Behind the scenes day 1: Coming soon Professional Inquiries: TheOmarGosh@gmail.com Check out my cool vlog channel: http://youtube.com/c/theomargosh Instagram: @omargoshtv http://instagram.com/omargoshtv LIKE ME ON FB! https://www.facebook.com/omargoshtvfanpage Follow me bird style : http://twitter.com/omargoshtv Btw, I don't like the bait bike pranks because some of those folks could have been homeless and really needed those bikes plus most of those seem staged. Felt bad for the guys that got hurt trying to make a few bucks. Smh.