6m 36sLenght

I'm excited to at last take delivery of my brand new 28 inch Bridgestone Bravestar bicycle (please read below to learn more about mamachari bicycles)! The Bravestar is Bridgestone's extra heavy duty mamachari with thick tubing, reinforced joints and extra strong wheel spokes. The Bravestar is also one of the only Bridgestone mamachari which includes a jumbo 28 inch model (very large by Japanese standards). The bike includes many features such as a three speed integrated gear hub with sealed rear brake. The bicycle's front light is powered by a well designed, low resistance front-hub generator while the rear light includes a solar panel for easy and automatic charging. Both lights come on automatically after the sun goes down though the front light includes a special setting which, when used, will cause the light to stay on whenever the bicycle is being ridden. Strong wire baskets at the front and rear provide lots of room for object being moved while the extra strong frame ensures that even a very heavy load may not cause the bike to wobble or become too unsteady. This type of Bicycle is affectionately known in Japan as a "mamachari" and is most popular with homemakers who use the bikes to run errands around town, carry groceries and ferry one or more children to and from kindergarten. Men in Japan also use mamachari though more often these bicycles are used simply as commuter vehicles. I am a great fan of mamachari as these bikes are normally very durable and well designed for use in navigating the many small, twisty roads of urban Japan. The bikes are also quite comfortable as the riding posture is normally upright and the wide, well cushioned seat is very comfortable even on very long rides. Mamachari perform well in nearly any weather condition and their relatively low cost makes them an affordable alternative for daily transportation. Some mamachari even include special battery-assisted drives to help Okasan (mother) climb tough hills when carrying a full load of kids and groceries.