5m 17sLenght

PLEASE NOTE: At the time this video was made it was illegal for eBikes to ride in the bike lanes in the city of Toronto. Cyclist were the largest group trying to keep eBikes out of the bike lanes. This video shows how disrespectful the Cyclists were to pedestrians and the rules of the road and the confusion of drivers wondering why I was not in the bike lane. It was not my intention to create a video on this topic this day. This was just a result of making a video of my trip downtown on a beautiful sunny day to meetup with some friends in downtown Toronto. The laws have since been changed to allow ebikes in the bike lanes in Toronto but the video remains up to show how things were in the past. The following is the original description when the video was made. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS! On June 9th 2013 about 11 AM, I am riding my Electric Bicycle through Toronto. I'm watching cyclists running red lights, swerving around pedestrians in crosswalks and speeding on the multi-use paths. This is only a brief glimpse of my hour long ride into the city of Toronto. A city where cyclists are keeping Ebikes out of the bike lanes and off the multi-use pathways because they say Ebikes are dangerous.