49m 21sLenght

Developers, have you heard about Visual Studio Code? Far more than a text editor, it works cross platform, looks great, has a ton of cool features, and is becoming increasingly popular! Check it out, with the always-entertaining experts Stacey Mulcahy and Rami Sayar, and see how to use Visual Studio Code to create sites using Node.js (one of the easiest and fastest ways to develop real-time apps on the web today). Get the full course at Microsoft Virtual Academy: https://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/en-us/training-courses/using-nodejs-with-visual-studio-code-13920?prid=ut-yt Join the community! Twitter: http://twitter.com/msvirtacademy G+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/b/105584318126272041170/105584318126272041170/about